At Flierman was born in Apeldoorn (1947). He moved to Deventer where lived for 8 years. In that time he started as a chemistry teacher at the Laboratory School in Deventer (then called LSD). He has been living in Eefde for 43 years now. He has his studio at home.
In the following passage, At describes his development as a watercolor artist.
In 1987 I took a course in Drawing and Painting at the Volksuniversiteit Warnsveld led by Ben Hulsegge. That is where I first used watercolors.
Over the years I have stuck to watercolors with a foray into oils and acrylics. Watercolors have always been my favourite medium.
In the beginning I was very precise. I then had lessons from Jacques Marris who motivated me a lot when painting still life. I learned to look from him. This gave my still life an increasingly better texture. We painted on the wadden area with Jacques. That has sparked my love for the mudflats. Painting the mudflats meant that I started working more freely. Not a small painting, but clearly a bit bigger.
Partly because of this I often use more water, larger brushes and heavier paper. The technique 'wet in wet' gives special effects because it is sometimes difficult to 'steer'.
To further develop myself I have taken part in a number of workshops in France, England and the Netherlands. These have always been enjoyable and educational.
I also took lessons with Marius van Dokkum for a number of years. His lessons have further shaped me as a painter.
A few years ago I discovered the technique of watercolor in combination with pastels. First make a watercolor and then work with pastels (Schmincke)which creates special effects. With this technique I made a number of paintings of Nepal. See the street scenes in Kathmandu (see also Gallery). The interplay of colors of both techniques is beautiful. The chaos that typifies the city is clearly visible.
At the moment I am engaged in portrait painting; also in watercolors.